Saturday 14 June 2008

Early Double B recap (long)

As promised. I intend to download the animated hand replayer in the very near future for the sake of brevity, but for now it's just good old cut and paste with lots of text, apologies.

Tournament started slowly for me, then this beauty dropped in my lap -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 86 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: TehJeff (3,535)
Seat 2: mister carrow (4,985)
Seat 3: wheresURhelmet (7,660)
Seat 4: Topsushi (1,825)
Seat 5: martymc1 (1,875)
Seat 6: Mucking Ninja (1,930)
Seat 7: sfeedking (1,365)
Seat 8: Al1Fl (1,560)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (2,100)
Al1Fl posts the small blind of 25
TheAlbinoKid posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Ts Kc]
TehJeff folds
mister carrow calls 50
wheresURhelmet folds
Topsushi calls 50
martymc1 folds
Mucking Ninja folds
sfeedking calls 50
Al1Fl calls 25
TheAlbinoKid checks
*** FLOP *** [Kd Ks Kh] (I think I'm ahead lolz)
Al1Fl checks
TheAlbinoKid checks (such a static flop, even 5-way I'm not sure I get much action without letting someone catch up a bit)
mister carrow checks
Topsushi checks
sfeedking checks
*** TURN *** [Kd Ks Kh] [Qc]
Al1Fl checks
TheAlbinoKid bets 125
mister carrow calls 125
Topsushi folds
sfeedking folds
Al1Fl folds
*** RIVER *** [Kd Ks Kh Qc] [4h]
TheAlbinoKid bets 250
mister carrow calls 250
*** SHOW DOWN ***
TheAlbinoKid shows [Ts Kc] four of a kind, Kings
mister carrow mucks (he had 44)
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (1,000) with four of a kind, Kings (not a big pot, but probably as much as I could have got)

Chipped up a bit more on the very next hand when I raised pre-flop with QQ, got called by the same player as Hand 1; he called a flop bet too on an all-unders board, but folded to turn bet on another blank card. That was pretty much it for the first hour, reached the break 205 of 432.

Then the same guy doubles me through by because he thinks having an Ace makes him unbeatable when actually he is drawing dead -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 86 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: TehJeff (3,050)
Seat 2: mister carrow (2,280)
Seat 3: wheresURhelmet (4,765)
Seat 4: Topsushi (7,300)
Seat 5: I am Cookn (1,885)
Seat 6: Mucking Ninja (1,660)
Seat 7: raskolnikov77 (11,220)
Seat 8: Al1Fl (11,970)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (3,210)
wheresURhelmet posts the small blind of 60
Topsushi posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Ah Qh]
I am Cookn folds
mister carrow has returned
Mucking Ninja folds
raskolnikov77 folds
Al1Fl folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 360
TehJeff folds
mister carrow calls 360
wheresURhelmet folds
Topsushi folds
*** FLOP *** [Ad 7d Qd]
TheAlbinoKid bets 700
mister carrow calls 700
*** TURN *** [Ad 7d Qd] [9c]
TheAlbinoKid bets 2,150, and is all in
mister carrow calls 1,220, and is all in
TheAlbinoKid shows [Ah Qh]
mister carrow shows [As 4c] (what, not even a diamond? ur so bad lol)
*** RIVER *** [Ad 7d Qd 9c] [Th]
TheAlbinoKid shows two pair, Aces and Queens
mister carrow shows a pair of Aces
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (4,740) with two pair, Aces and Queens

Then I pick up another 3000 chips when it folds to me in the small blind with JJ and the big blind shoves over my raise with 77 and my hand holds up.
The next hand sends me soaring, I think this is probably the hand I am most pleased with from the tournament -
Early Double - B (51673929), Table 86 - 150/300 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Pot Pimp (4,560)
Seat 2: Don Frosty (2,070)
Seat 3: wheresURhelmet (5,285)
Seat 4: Topsushi (8,575)
Seat 5: I am Cookn (3,135)
Seat 6: mrgrill79 (6,880)
Seat 7: raskolnikov77 (7,080)
Seat 8: Al1Fl (10,885)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (9,285)
Pot Pimp antes 25
Don Frosty antes 25
wheresURhelmet antes 25
Topsushi antes 25
I am Cookn antes 25
mrgrill79 antes 25
raskolnikov77 antes 25
Al1Fl antes 25
TheAlbinoKid antes 25
Don Frosty posts the small blind of 150
wheresURhelmet posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Qc Ac] (as soon as I see my cards and see that a very LAG player is in the big blind, I'm licking my lips at the thought of getting everything in pre-flop against his range)
Topsushi folds
I am Cookn folds
mrgrill79 folds
raskolnikov77 folds
Al1Fl raises to 775 (this guy is pretty tight, his presence forces a change in plans)
TheAlbinoKid calls 775 (I'm not thrilled about building a big pot here against Al1Fl's range despite having position on him, so I opt to just call for pot control; there is also a thought in my mind that the big blind may well try read it as weakness and try to squeeze us... he has shown a propensity to re-steal and make moves. If he does shove over us, I'm snap-calling unless the original raiser calls, in which case I have an easy fold with not much invested.)
Pot Pimp folds
Don Frosty folds
wheresURhelmet raises to 5,260, and is all in (bingo)
Al1Fl folds (bingo)
TheAlbinoKid calls 4,485
wheresURhelmet shows [Jc Th]
TheAlbinoKid shows [Qc Ac] (Trapping with AQ pre-flop FTW!)
*** FLOP *** [2d 9h 8d]
*** TURN *** [2d 9h 8d] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [2d 9h 8d 2h] [8s]
wheresURhelmet shows two pair, Eights and Twos
TheAlbinoKid shows two pair, Eights and Twos
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (11,670) with two pair, Eights and Twos

Thoughts, if any? On the back of that, I am 27 of 180 at the second break, but the cards dry up and by the time the bubble bursts at 153rd place I have slipped to 39th. Maybe I am getting a little frustrated, because I make a pretty speculative re-steal play here and it blows up in my face -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 71 - 250/500 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: RAUL SALINA (3,037)
Seat 2: oldgreeneyz (3,265)
Seat 3: yellowhammers (12,232)
Seat 4: TheAlbinoKid (12,495)
Seat 5: Big BlingAA (5,410)
Seat 6: LCB81 (20,816)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (4,624)
Seat 8: est13 (6,000)
Seat 9: sinosono (10,565)
RAUL SALINA antes 50
oldgreeneyz antes 50
yellowhammers antes 50
TheAlbinoKid antes 50
Big BlingAA antes 50
LCB81 antes 50
blackflush714 antes 50
est13 antes 50
sinosono antes 50
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 250
Big BlingAA posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Js 9s]
LCB81 folds
blackflush714 raises to 1,000
est13 folds
sinosono folds
oldgreeneyz folds
yellowhammers folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 12,445, and is all in
Big BlingAA folds
blackflush714 has requested TIME
blackflush714 calls 3,574, and is all in
TheAlbinoKid shows [Js 9s]
blackflush714 shows [Qh Kd]
*** FLOP *** [Ad Jh Kc]
*** TURN *** [Ad Jh Kc] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [Ad Jh Kc Th] [Ac]
TheAlbinoKid shows two pair, Aces and Jacks
blackflush714 shows a straight, Ace high
blackflush714 wins the pot (10,098) with a straight, Ace high

In retrospect, his stack size probably meant he wasn't folding very often here and I should have held fire. But he had been limp or min-raising whenever he entered a pot, and played very passively thereafter, generally showing a heavy reluctance to put his tournament life on the line without at least seeing a flop. I think he was the perfect opponent to make this move against, but maybe he needed to be a little deeper for it to be ideal. Is this horrible spew, or just a minor misjudgement? Or even a well-played hand?

So that hand dented me quite a bit, and my M dropped to pretty much shove or fold territory; but I got my chips back off the same guy when I open-shoved J10s and won a flip when he called from the small blind with 44. Another lull in action followed, before I had these hands two in close succession (both very standard on my part, 2nd one not very standard from villain!) -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 71 - 400/800 Ante 100 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Victim_Child (28,541)
Seat 2: Bobby Poker A (16,361)
Seat 3: yellowhammers (12,625)
Seat 4: TheAlbinoKid (12,542)
Seat 5: Big BlingAA (10,620)
Seat 6: LCB81 (29,805)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (6,144)
Seat 8: BABYSU (39,253)
Seat 9: sinosono (9,333)
Victim_Child antes 100
Bobby Poker A antes 100
yellowhammers antes 100
TheAlbinoKid antes 100
Big BlingAA antes 100
LCB81 antes 100
blackflush714 antes 100
BABYSU antes 100
sinosono antes 100
Victim_Child posts the small blind of 400
Bobby Poker A posts the big blind of 800
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Ad Kd]
yellowhammers folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 2,500
Big BlingAA folds
LCB81 folds
blackflush714 calls 2,500
BABYSU folds
sinosono folds
Victim_Child folds
Bobby Poker A folds
*** FLOP *** [Ts Td 6d]
TheAlbinoKid bets 9,942, and is all in
blackflush714 has requested TIME
blackflush714 folds
TheAlbinoKid mucks
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (7,100)

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 71 - 500/1000 Ante 125 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Victim_Child (27,841)
Seat 2: Bobby Poker A (14,861)
Seat 3: yellowhammers (13,225)
Seat 4: TheAlbinoKid (16,042)
Seat 5: Big BlingAA (10,320)
Seat 6: LCB81 (31,605)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (3,344)
Seat 8: BABYSU (38,953)
Seat 9: sinosono (9,033)
Victim_Child antes 125
Bobby Poker A antes 125
yellowhammers antes 125
TheAlbinoKid antes 125
Big BlingAA antes 125
LCB81 antes 125
blackflush714 antes 125
BABYSU antes 125
sinosono antes 125
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 500
Big BlingAA posts the big blind of 1,000
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Jh As]
LCB81 folds
blackflush714 folds
BABYSU folds
sinosono folds
Victim_Child folds
Bobby Poker A folds
yellowhammers folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 15,917, and is all in
Big BlingAA calls 9,195, and is all in
TheAlbinoKid shows [Jh As]
Big BlingAA shows [9d 8d] (if you think I'm bluffing, you have still have to be able to beat me, remember?)
*** FLOP *** [6c Kh Ad]
*** TURN *** [6c Kh Ad] [8h]
*** RIVER *** [6c Kh Ad 8h] [3c]
TheAlbinoKid shows a pair of Aces
Big BlingAA shows a pair of Eights
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (21,515) with a pair of Aces

The flurry continues as the next hand I raise from the button with KJo, flop top pair when big blind calls and take down another ~4000 chip pot. Then just as I'm starting to feel good about life, I get all in pre-flop with KK against 77 and get sucked out on, and no sooner had I scrambled out of the middle of the field than I am back in it.

Then I have a tricky decision -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 71 - 600/1200 Ante 150 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Victim_Child (21,541)
Seat 2: saintpimp (13,787)
Seat 3: strangehead (22,480)
Seat 4: TheAlbinoKid (17,804)
Seat 5: bombx (25,342)
Seat 6: playlikea10 (12,375)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (16,838)
Seat 8: BABYSU (47,183)
Seat 9: sinosono (44,332)
Victim_Child antes 150
saintpimp antes 150
strangehead antes 150
TheAlbinoKid antes 150
bombx antes 150
playlikea10 antes 150
blackflush714 antes 150
BABYSU antes 150
sinosono antes 150
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 600
bombx posts the big blind of 1,200
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [9s 9c]
playlikea10 folds
blackflush714 calls 1,200
BABYSU calls 1,200
sinosono folds
Victim_Child folds
saintpimp raises to 13,637, and is all in
strangehead folds
TheAlbinoKid folds

With the two limpers (reads - neither likely to have limped a big hand), I'm planning to insta-jam this until saintpimp gets in first. I grumble and mutter and make a grudging fold, having lost the chance to take the initiative... correct, or does anyone gamble here? (blackflush714 does, because he calls the shove with Q10s obv, and knocks out saintpimp who has AKs... lol donkaments, and predictable table chat ensues.)

Last hand before the 3rd break makes my subsequent urination feel all the more sweet -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 12 - 600/1200 Ante 150 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 2: baaadbeet (12,928)
Seat 3: beckarmy (23,068)
Seat 4: tahall (73,117)
Seat 5: Ricki73 (27,682)
Seat 6: TheAlbinoKid (21,104)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (36,950)
Seat 8: GoneFishing88 (68,992)
Seat 9: SpenceDogg09 (41,014)
baaadbeet antes 150
beckarmy antes 150
tahall antes 150
Ricki73 antes 150
TheAlbinoKid antes 150
blackflush714 antes 150
GoneFishing88 antes 150
SpenceDogg09 antes 150
blackflush714 posts the small blind of 600
GoneFishing88 posts the big blind of 1,200
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Ac Qs]
SpenceDogg09 folds
baaadbeet folds
beckarmy raises to 4,800
tahall folds
Ricki73 folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 20,954, and is all in
blackflush714 folds
GoneFishing88 folds
beckarmy has requested TIME
beckarmy calls 16,154
TheAlbinoKid shows [Ac Qs]
beckarmy shows [Kd Jd] (pretty speculative with no reads on me)
*** FLOP *** [9d 5s 3s]
*** TURN *** [9d 5s 3s] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [9d 5s 3s 4s] [9h]
TheAlbinoKid shows a pair of Nines
beckarmy shows a pair of Nines
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (44,908) with a pair of Nines

So I hit the 3rd break 14 of 44, and starting to get pretty psyched. After we resume, I chip up a little more, then this really gay and funny hand happens -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 12 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Kyle1133 (48,900)
Seat 2: baaadbeet (7,428)
Seat 4: tahall (55,367)
Seat 5: Ricki73 (9,582)
Seat 6: TheAlbinoKid (49,358)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (64,450)
Seat 8: GoneFishing88 (93,417)
Seat 9: SpenceDogg09 (47,278)
Kyle1133 antes 250
baaadbeet antes 250
tahall antes 250
Ricki73 antes 250
TheAlbinoKid antes 250
blackflush714 antes 250
GoneFishing88 antes 250
SpenceDogg09 antes 250
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 1,000
blackflush714 posts the big blind of 2,000
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Kh 5h]
GoneFishing88 folds
SpenceDogg09 folds
Kyle1133 folds
baaadbeet folds
tahall folds
Ricki73 folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 6,000 (I is stealing)
blackflush714 calls 4,000
*** FLOP *** [Ts Qs 8s]
TheAlbinoKid checks (I decide to just abort now that he has got stubborn... this flop hits a big chunk of his range, it's all his... is this too weak?)
blackflush714 checks
*** TURN *** [Ts Qs 8s] [7c]
TheAlbinoKid checks (it's still all his if he wants it)
blackflush714 checks
*** RIVER *** [Ts Qs 8s 7c] [5s]
TheAlbinoKid checks (too late to bet now, wouldn't it be funny if that 5 made me the best hand!!)
blackflush714 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
TheAlbinoKid shows [Kh 5h] a pair of Fives
blackflush714 mucks (he had A3o, both red... lol fifthpairaments)
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (14,000) with a pair of Fives

I then KO a shorty when he shoves for about 3 big blinds and I call with A10o and have his A8o dominated... takes me to 8 of 30, and I'm sniffing the final table. I then move tables again, to find myself sat two seats to the left of Worm646898645675476 (or something), a fellow Cardplayer-ite... two of us in the final 30, and no "Going Deeeeeeeep" thread on the forum? We're slacking. I decline his offer of a last-longer bet because I don't want to jinx it... very poor decision on my part because I'm obviously the superior player ;)

Anyway, the new table has the chip leader on it, and he seems to be playing very loose and running in God mode. Obviously I get dealt half a hand (KJo) in middle position on his big blind, he calls and then donks into me on a AdQd8s flop. I'm just dying to shove over his donk bet, but common sense gets the better of me and I let the crazy take it. I then get moved from his table again (Worm is moved with me), and have this nice little suck-out when a re-steal goes wrong and comes right again -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 12 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Kyle1133 (91,232)
Seat 2: BiggEMan (65,112)
Seat 3: General Sleven (177,917)
Seat 5: BadtheBeater (50,919)
Seat 6: worm96762005 (42,386)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (198,287)
Seat 8: GoneFishing88 (71,592)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (46,736)
Kyle1133 antes 600
BiggEMan antes 600
General Sleven antes 600
BadtheBeater antes 600
worm96762005 antes 600
blackflush714 antes 600
GoneFishing88 antes 600
TheAlbinoKid antes 600
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 2,500
Kyle1133 posts the big blind of 5,000
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Tc Qc]
BiggEMan folds
General Sleven folds
BadtheBeater folds
worm96762005 folds
blackflush714 folds
GoneFishing88 raises to 13,500
TheAlbinoKid raises to 46,136, and is all in
Kyle1133 folds
GoneFishing88 calls 32,636
TheAlbinoKid shows [Tc Qc]
GoneFishing88 shows [Jd As]
*** FLOP *** [3h 6h Ts]
*** TURN *** [3h 6h Ts] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [3h 6h Ts Ks] [Td]
TheAlbinoKid shows three of a kind, Tens
GoneFishing88 shows a pair of Tens
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (102,072) with three of a kind, Tens

Pretty standard really, no? I then improve even more with a pretty gutsy call on a hand that my inner nit was yelling at me to fold -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 12 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Kyle1133 (89,932)
Seat 2: BiggEMan (58,912)
Seat 3: General Sleven (176,717)
Seat 5: BadtheBeater (49,719)
Seat 6: worm96762005 (41,186)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (197,087)
Seat 8: GoneFishing88 (29,156)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (101,472)
Kyle1133 antes 600
BiggEMan antes 600
General Sleven antes 600
BadtheBeater antes 600
worm96762005 antes 600
blackflush714 antes 600
GoneFishing88 antes 600
TheAlbinoKid antes 600
BiggEMan posts the small blind of 2,500
General Sleven posts the big blind of 5,000
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [9s 9d]
BadtheBeater folds
worm96762005 folds
blackflush714 folds
GoneFishing88 folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 15,000
Kyle1133 folds
BiggEMan raises to 58,312, and is all in
General Sleven folds
TheAlbinoKid calls 43,312
BiggEMan shows [7s As]
TheAlbinoKid shows [9s 9d]
*** FLOP *** [3d Kh 8c]
*** TURN *** [3d Kh 8c] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [3d Kh 8c 4s] [9h]
BiggEMan shows Ace King high
TheAlbinoKid shows three of a kind, Nines
TheAlbinoKid wins the pot (126,424) with three of a kind, Nines
worm96762005: nh (yeah, you knows it baby!)

That pushes me to 5 of 15, and at the next break I am 5 of 12 (Worm has busted in 14th, blinds were hot on his heels and he had to push a weak ace which was called by a marginally less weak ace... nice run though). First hand back, I catch a nice free flop from the big blind with 8d3d (Ad Jd 8c for bottom pair with a flush draw) and take a nice pot with a flop raise. This hand made me feel a bit sick though -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 12 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 1: Kyle1133 (90,832)
Seat 3: General Sleven (216,577)
Seat 5: BadtheBeater (60,297)
Seat 7: blackflush714 (162,787)
Seat 8: sickallkris (82,368)
Seat 9: TheAlbinoKid (174,084)
Kyle1133 antes 750
General Sleven antes 750
BadtheBeater antes 750
blackflush714 antes 750
sickallkris antes 750
TheAlbinoKid antes 750
BadtheBeater posts the small blind of 3,000
blackflush714 posts the big blind of 6,000
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Jh Jd]
sickallkris folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 18,000
Kyle1133 folds
General Sleven has 15 seconds left to act
General Sleven raises to 48,000
BadtheBeater folds
blackflush714 folds
TheAlbinoKid folds
Uncalled bet of 30,000 returned to General Sleven
General Sleven mucks
General Sleven wins the pot (49,500)

Is that as ultra-weak as it felt? I don't like calling out of position, and I don't like shoving and praying I'm a slight favorite in a race when I am in good shape. My reads are confused on the re-raiser; he has just woken up and started to get quite active in the last orbit, but hasn't shown any hands down yet, so I don't know if he is switching gears or just getting a good run of cards. Is this one of those situations where if I want to win the tournament I have to take the chance in a death or glory kind of way, or is my feeling that this is a risk I don't need to take justified?

Anyway, I made it to the final table 6th in chips, with a predictably bad draw of the two big chip leaders immediately on the left, the God mode donk from before and General Sleven from the last hand I posted. Within 4 hands, we are down to 7 as AA shows it's head twice and knocks out two players with smaller pocket pairs. Then it's my turn to step into the limelight -

Early Double - B (51673929), Table 93 - 5000/10000 Ante 1000 - No Limit Hold'em
Seat 2: sinosono (76,328)
Seat 3: BadtheBeater (277,451)
Seat 4: ronald93 (171,113)
Seat 5: SpenceDogg09 (143,356)
Seat 6: TheAlbinoKid (109,584)
Seat 7: General Sleven (402,910)
Seat 8: Anthonym33 (529,258)
sinosono antes 1,000
BadtheBeater antes 1,000
ronald93 antes 1,000
SpenceDogg09 antes 1,000
TheAlbinoKid antes 1,000
General Sleven antes 1,000
Anthonym33 antes 1,000
TheAlbinoKid posts the small blind of 5,000
General Sleven posts the big blind of 10,000
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to TheAlbinoKid [Qd Ah]
Anthonym33 folds
sinosono raises to 75,328, and is all in
BadtheBeater folds
ronald93 folds
SpenceDogg09 folds
TheAlbinoKid raises to 108,584, and is all in
General Sleven folds
TheAlbinoKid shows [Qd Ah]
sinosono shows [9s Ac]
*** FLOP *** [Td 9h 8c] (fuck fuck fuck fhsdfgsdgfj)
*** TURN *** [Td 9h 8c] [Kh]
*** RIVER *** [Td 9h 8c Kh] [2d]
TheAlbinoKid shows Ace King high
sinosono shows a pair of Nines
sinosono wins the pot (167,656) with a pair of Nines

That really bummed me out... I always run badly at final tables, who knows why. It felt inevitable, I didn't even have it in me to type "QJQJQJQJQJQJQJQJQJ ASFGAFGSDJKFGKSDGK" into the chat box after the flop to try and will the re-suckout home. Sinosono must have had my number... he is the same guy who sucked out on my KK with 77 earlier on. Better lucky than good I guess (to be fair, both hands he played fine).

So, left with an M of ~1.5, I'm always getting called by the big stacks on my left so I'm pretty much dead in the water barring a miracle. Rather than pray for a big hand in the 5 hands before my big blind comes round again, I opt to push with 67o on the grounds that my cards should be live and I will most likely have ~40% chance against whatever calls me. Of course the chip leader calls with A7s, so there goes that theory, and there goes Albino. $127.50 better off for a $6 buy-in is good, but I feel short-changed again, like most final tables. Oh well, best not be greedy.

Thanks for reading, even if you only skimmed.


Ken C said...

Nice run dude! Sucks to run bad late. And FWIW, I probably shove those jacks.

And lol at the label for sinoso

Ken C said...

Oh and I read the whole thing. Good recap.

Dan said...

The JJ hand is the other one I was going to post on CP, and in fact just have. I expect the consensus will be that I should have shoved, but it just didn't feel right in the moment... I'm only getting called by QQ+, AK I think, and I don't have a clear read how wide he is 3-betting me yet. But yeah, my natural nit might have got the best of me, again!

Ken C said...

By shoving it, I'm not expecting to get called. I'm expecting to add a huge chunk of chips to my stack.

You might get called by TT, AQs as well. If you put those in a range, and considering it's HIM that has to call off most of his chips... I think you're doing alright.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that...
Had just 7,x BBs left and I think A9 was ok to push there!?