Wednesday 25 June 2008

Tuesday Ramblerments

The only game I have played since my last entry was the Tuesday night Rambler series event... given my new-found love(/hate) for Omaha the idea of a HA (lol at Full Tilt not wanting to call it a HO game) tournament was appealing enough for me to stay up for the 2am start time. There was a better turn out than previous weeks since the basketball is over now (I think, I don't follow it because it's full of oversized freaks), 2 full tables I think. I went out in 7th, in predictable fashion... losing a race to Loretta with AJ v 66. Was teased by a flop which gave me 18 outs twice, but he was running so well he was 90% favorite to win every flip and 75% favorite to win when he was well behind :( The one that hurt more was in an earlier Omaha level, where I got rivered with AcAsQs4h all-in pre-flop against KhKcJc10c (65-35 favorite orly?) - if I had won that I'd have been top 3 in chips, losing it put me bottom 2 and took all my momentum away. My hand actually got stronger and stronger on every street; flopped an ace, turn gave me a flush draw to kill all but 4 of villain's outs, but 4 outs is enough to bend me over and intrude upon my anal passage these days.

Nice tournament though, anyone reading this who doesn't already know about the series should check out for details... next week is PLO8, which appeals to me but at the same time is a game that I suck at, so I will be there providing dead money and just trying to suck out on everyone.

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