Friday 13 June 2008

Yeah, really don't play when you're annoyed

At least it was only one $3 donk buy-in I wasted by firing up a PLO tourny. Early stages were a roller-coaster; on hand 3 I made a stupid semi-bluff raise with Jd Jh 8h 9s on a Qc 8c 5s flop... it was about as weak a draw as there is, and at these stakes nobody who likes their hand enough to bet it is ever folding to a raise, EVER. So 3 hands in and I've made probably my worst play of the past month, and I just know I should have gone to bed.

2 hands later, I flop a big draw out of the big blind with Ad 3d Qh 2h on a board of 4d Qs 5h... I bet it and 4 of the 5 people call, obv. I whiff, check the turn for a free river and whiff again. That's 1/3 of the chips gone.

2 hands later (this is the still only the 7th hand of the tournament lolz) I catch a break. I see a family flop with Ah 7h 7s 5c and hit middle set. All the chips go in with a villain who shows Ac 4c 8s 9d for a nut flush draw and open-ended straight draw and has me very worried. I dodge good and double through, and my chip stack grows enough to take me into the top 20 of the 105 man field.

Then hand 10 is my doom. After a lot of limpers pre-flop, I pot it with As Ac 8c Jd and thin the field... to four callers! Flop comes 8s 8d 3d, and I'm only behind a 33xx hand. I get all the chips in against a guy who shows the case 8 with a King kicker, but he also has two diamonds which make him a flush on the turn and I fail to suck out on the river.

My last 600 chips last me a couple more orbits while I wait for a hand to take a stand with... eventually I bomb out in 58th when I flop top pair with a weak flush draw and get called by a higher flush draw. Obv when I don't want to catch my flush, I do.

So, some bad luck, some bad play, and as predicted I am pretty annoyed at myself for playing and playing badly when I knew I should just go to bad. The part of me that knew I shouldn't have played is feeling pretty smug though, so I guess it's time to let that part of my schizophrenia dominate. It's called learning from our mistakes I think.

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