Monday 16 June 2008

From Chip Leader to Rail...

I just played in one of those tournaments where the best hand pre-flop never held up after all the money went in. A $3 donkament, I was chip leader with 17 to go and went out in 15th after the ground trembled and opened up beneath me to engulf my stack. Two hands with KK in the big blind... first time I raise pre-flop over three limpers and the small blind calls... AJ7 flop and he donkshoves, I have to fold. Second time to finish me off, there is a raise from the button, small blind (same player) shoves, I call, button folds and KK < A7soooooted inevitably. In between, I jammed over a raise from a medium stack with 99 and he made a very speculative call for 18BB with KJo and out-raced me. Crunch. I really thought I was playing great and about to take it down too. C'est teh pokers, as the French would say. I did play well though.

This hand was funny... to me at least. I can't say I didn't have an occasional slice of luck in my favour:

Action should really have gone - SB raise, I shove, SB call... the bugger made me do all the work though, serves his lazy ass right.

I posted that hand to try and put things in perspective for myself, but it has failed, I'm still pissed off I didn't even make the final table of this thing. Should just flat-call pre-flop with KK in future so I can fold if an ace flops :)

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