Tuesday 15 July 2008

Running normalaments

Ok, not to jinx anything but I seem to be running normally again... I'm not getting constantly sucked out on and am even pulling the odd suckout off myself. I've started playing the $15+1 STTs on Stars, although I am a little concerned whether I should be with just $400 in my Stars roll. Having said that, I cashed out from Tilt for $630 so there is a little more in my roll than is actually online at the moment, and the play in these things is really pretty ordinary to be polite. I've bumped into a handful of solid multi-tabling TAG regulars who obviously "get" SNG play and are tough opponents, but really despite being 3x the stakes the games feel just as soft as the $5.50 games I used to play on Full Tilt and crush for something like 40% ROI.

It feels nice to actually be winning money again. After two bustos in these games last night I ummed and ahhed about playing another and decided to go for it... and took it down. I had a nice suckout to set me rolling when my AK beat KK, and then I took out another two players with the same hand when one guy went nuts preflop with 77 and a shortie decided his two baby cards were probably live and he was getting great pot odds... King on the flop and I have a nice chip lead. Gets even better just after when I raise the cut-off with JJ and the big blind calls then donk shoves into me on a 4h-7-7h board... shows down 66 for lolgoodgameaments. At this point I have over half the chips in play on the bubble, and just crush the table for a bit. It was a perfect spot to have a big stack because the others were all fairly similar so all had an eye on each other and pretty much gave up playing pots with me without a huge hand. I think 5 or 6 consecutive orbits they gave me free rides in the big blind, and I never got played back at when I stole. I burst the bubble myself when I called a shove with A10o and the guy had Q10o which was just about perfect for me, and then promptly doubled up one of the others by running a Q6o steal into 1010. He used his chips to bust the other player and we went heads up. I figured it was going to be yet another "so near yet so far" game when I 3-bet shoved over him with KQo and he called with Q4s, only to nail a flush. So gay. But I wore him down again, being very aggressive, and it set it up perfectly when I got AKs and shoved on him and he called with A10o. He flopped a 10 but I turned a flush and all was well with the world again. OFFICIALLY A WINNING PLAYER ON POKERSTARS!!!!

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