Saturday, 19 July 2008

A new cash cow

Those $3.80 Super Turbo shortstack tournaments on Full Tilt might not be real poker, but DAMN are they lucrative. Since my last post I have played a total of 101 of these, to the exclusion of all the other styles, and have had an ROI of around 33%. I think that is easily sustainable as well since I have such an obvious skill edge over all the fish who splash about in them. I saw somebody limp/call an all-in with 6-4 suited earlier. Do these people have no brain? Trapping with 6 high for Christ's sake!!! They have money to waste though, and I'm happy to line my pockets with it. It is a grind, but they are very time-efficient and you can rattle off a lot of them, and the money just rolls in. Seriously, if I played them 40 hours per week I could probably scrape a living off them. That's a pretty crazy thought.

I have started to pick up on a few of the skilled players who play these (they stand out a mile for obvious reasons) and try to avoid them... there are so many games going on, the tables fill within seconds, so it's not hard to find a game without a solid SNG endgame player in. But I have enjoyed playing against them as well. The highlight of my day today was folding 1010 pre-flop on the 2nd hand against a guy called TheFrenkel, one of the decent regulars (his Sharkscope bore out my assessment). There is always a shove on the first few hands, often with any ace, any pair or any two face cards even. Well this Frenkel guy open-shoved from UTG+1, and I am sat behind him with 1010. I snap call this against anybody else at the table and just have to dodge the ace usually, but this guy's shoving range was almost certainly similar to mine (from UTG+1 I'd be shoving AJ+, 99+ I think), and against that I am never ahead by much and sometimes behind, so despite having a big hand I folded. Some div called in the blinds with KJ (obv) and Frenkel showed QQ. I was damn pleased with myself.

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